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Donegal Sports Star Awards 2021

 Donegal Sports Star Awards 2021 image


The Cathaoirleach and Chief Executive of Donegal County Council extend their good wishes to the Donegal Sports Star Committee ahead of this Friday’s Virtual Awards Ceremony taking place at 7.30pm which will be streamed live on Facebook.


This year marks the 46th annual awards ceremony with the first event held in the Milford Inn in November 1976.  Last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the committee very successfully adapted to organising their first ever Virtual Awards Ceremony.  In the interest of public health the awards ceremony will also be held virtually this year.


The Cathaoirleach Cllr. Jack Murrary, welcomed the fact that the 2021 Donegal Sports Star Awards would go ahead virtually this year given the great success of last year’s virtual ceremony.  “It is so important that our sporting community across the county is acknowledged.  Great credit must go to the Donegal Sports Star committee for facing the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and going ahead once again with a virtual ceremony.  No doubt the pandemic has changed all of our lives, how we work, and socialise, how businesses operate, and how we go about our daily life.  However, it must be acknowledged that Covid-19 represented a major challenge for our sporting community.   In this regard, I would like to especially pay tribute to the hard work and commitment of all our sports men and women during the past year.


I am very proud of the fact that Donegal County Council is again the main sponsor of the awards and it’s fantastic for us to be associated with an event that means so much to the people of our county” Cllr Murray said.


The Chief Executive of Donegal County Council, John G McLaughlin said that sport is a cornerstone of life in Ireland and gave much needed relief to so many during the pandemic and throughout 2021 when times continued to be very difficult.  “I am delighted as the Chief Executive of Donegal County Council to acknowledge the great work of everyone involved in planning and preparing for Friday evening’s awards.  It is great to be involved in an event that honours the sporting achievements of so many within our county.


The Council has been a sponsor going all the way back to 1977 and it’s great to see the Donegal Sports Star Awards celebrating their 46th anniversary. The decision made by the committee to go ahead with a virtual awards ceremony again this year is very welcome in the interest of public health. I want to commend everyone involved in sport in 2021 in what again was a very challenging year for the sporting world.  I applaud all our sporting volunteers, for without them there would be no sport.  Hopefully next year we can return to a live awards event and look forward in hope to a wonderful sporting year ahead. I would also commend the hard work of the organising committee.” Mr McLaughlin said.


The 2021 Donegal Sport Star Awards will be streamed live at 7.30pm this Friday, 28th January on the Facebook page of Donegal Sports Star Awards and Donegal County Council.

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